Please read before completing this form:
Applications for Sixth Form must be submitted by 31 October for entry in the following September.
Applications for all other year groups including Nursery must be submitted by 31 December for entry in the following September.
If you are considering a bursary for Year 7 to Year 10 you should apply by 1 December. For Sixth Form please apply by 31 October. Please indicate on the application form below your interest in a bursary. The admissions team will then be in touch to discuss further.
Further information on bursaries and how to obtain an application form can be found on our website.
Please contact us before submitting this form if you are interested in in-year places or for year groups not at our key entry points.
Further information can be found in the Admissions section of our website.
Offers of places are subject to availability and the admission requirements of the School at the time offers are made. A copy of the School's Terms and Conditions will be supplied on request.